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6 Reasons you should Exercise if you have Arthritis
StartFragment People with arthritis are repeatedly reminded about the importance of exercise as part of disease management. While they...

Does exercising too much hurt your health?
In his book The Antioxidant Revolution, Kenneth Cooper, MD emphasizes that excessive exercise is a major cause of oxidative stress. He...

Whiplash, Hearing Loss, and Upper Cervical Manipulation
“Little known sequelae of sprains of the cervical spine” Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. [This is a German journal, and the article is in ...

The LANCET and Low Back Pain
The editors of THE LANCET review the British Medical Journal article by Meade: Low back pain of mechanical origin: randomized comparison...

What Does Your Sleep Say About You?
StartFragment Sleeping used to be simple. You climbed into bed, pulled up the covers and closed your eyes. Today, it takes a consulting...

3 Signs of “Burnout”
StartFragment You’re constantly tired, life is just “too hard,” and your get up and go just got up and went! You heave a heavy sigh and...

How can I hurt so much when my car is hardly damaged?
Vehicle Damage v. Passenger Injury: “The amount of damage sustained by the car bears little relationship to the force applied. To take...

Supplements That Everyone Should Take “Every Day All People”
1) Vitamin D3 800 IU per day for infants (1 Vitamin D 400) 2,500 IU – per day for children (1 Complete Immuno D3) 5,000 IU per day (1...

Factors that Age your Brain
“The same forces that are aging your body are aging your brain, only they hit your brain earlier and harder.” “These culprits are at the...

American Association of Neurological Surgeons: High-Dose Omega-3 Oils used to Treat Non-Surgical Nec
“Investigators at the University of Pittsburgh have treated chronic pain patients with high doses of omega-3 fatty acids – the ...
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