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Did You Know...
While sciatica pain may have you thinking that the only way to "fix" it is with surgery... that's often not the case. Bottom Line We’ve...

4 Healthy Alternatives to Junk Food
Sometimes, we just can’t help ourselves from indulging in our favorite unhealthy snacks. If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone....
Five Do-It-Yourself Tests to Monitor Your Health as You Get Older
These exercises can provide useful feedback on your health Many of us worry about our health as we enter midlife and beyond. Little...

10-second balance test may predict how long you'll live
Researchers found that people who couldn't stand on one foot were nearly twice as likely to die in the next 10 years. For older adults,...

How to Boost Self-Esteem
Everyone has days when they don’t feel so great about themselves. Maybe you can’t stop thinking about why you didn’t get that promotion,...

Did You Know...
It's estimated that over 85% of women experience back pain during pregnancy. Bottom Line Why? Well, as a woman enters her second or third...

Did You Know...
The World Health Organization recommends four best care practices to support a healthy birth. Bottom Line The use of intravenous lines,...
“It Sounds Too Good To Be True!”
I’ve been lucky enough to speak to over 2,500 doctors in the last 5 years about this futuristic technology called Softwave. After going...

Did You Know...
For decades, opioids were marketed as a "safer" alternative to treat chronic pain. Bottom Line Recently, major healthcare agencies have...

3 Signs It’s Time for a Rest Day
When you’re consistently hitting the gym and feeling great, it can be hard to take a break. After all, exercising offers a boost of...
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