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Inflammation Today Means Brain Shrinkage Tomorrow
StartFragment The fundamental mechanism that underlies neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease,...
American College of Physicians issues guideline for treating non-radicular low back pain
Treatment recommendations include massage, acupuncture, spinal manipulation, tai chi, and yoga Philadelphia, February 14, 2017 -- The...

Nuts for the Holidays
In a study out of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, epidemiologist Ying Bao, MD, ScD, studied nearly 119,000 adults....

Multi-Vitamins Matter
As the holidays loom closer and you find yourself worn down thanks to social commitments and holiday-related stress, it's more important...

Is Time Slipping Away From You?
StartFragment Do you go to work every day and come home feeling like you’ve gotten nothing accomplished? Time management might not be one...

The Truth Behind Energy and Protein Bars
StartFragment You’re driving in your car, hurrying to your next appointment. It’s 2:30 p.m. and you realize you’ve had nothing to eat all...

Show Your Body Some Love this Holiday Season
StartFragmentTis the season…for stress! While thinking of others as the holiday’s approach might be your top priority, it’s also...
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