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Are You Coasting?
Remember riding your bike up a hill so you could coast back down? There was an exhilarating sense of freedom as you accelerated to the...

Got back pain? Listen to your mother and stand up straight.
Betsy Mamtsis, 27, has had back and shoulder aches on and off since she was 16. Doctors couldn’t pinpoint what caused her pain, but...
Association Between Utilization of Chiropractic Services for Treatment of Low-Back Pain and Use of P
While more investigation is needed to determine why, a 2018 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine...
Managing Neck and Back Pain in America
Managing Neck and Back Pain in America[if lt IE 8]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/redesign/palmer/_ui/font/pcc-icons/ie7/ie7.css" />...

The Health Benefits of a Digital Detox
The Health Benefits of a Digital Detox Google Tag Manager End Google Tag Manager StartFragment Living in a world awash in technology can...

Art Therapy and Stress
StartFragment Whether you’re Van Gogh or a stick-figure sketcher, a new Drexel University study found that making art can significantly...

How Risky Are You?
StartFragment Connections between two areas of the brain previously described to be involved in the development of disorders such as...

Stand Up for Brain Health
Too much sitting, or other sedentary behavior, is associated with a thinning of a part of the brain important for memory, new research...
ABC News reports on the ineffectiveness of most lower back pain treatments
Transcript for New report warns of widespread ineffectiveness of lower back pain treatments Over to you. That health alert about lower...

Why You Should Sit Up Straight
Why You Should Sit Up Straight Google Tag Manager End Google Tag Manager StartFragment Remember when your mother used to say things...
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