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Sit Up Straight!
Remember when your mother used to say things like, “Eat all your vegetables.” And, “Look both ways before crossing the street.” “A person...

Health Facts About Omega-3
What is Omega-3 and why is it important? First, it is a fat. The good type of fat. The “omega” is simply a way organic chemists name the...

Is Chocolate Actually Good for You?
Chocoholics take heart – literally that is. Seems that a bit of a chocolate bar might actually be good for your ticker. Dark chocolate,...

Tension Headaches: Cause and Relief
Here are some basic facts about tension (stress) headaches. They usually affect women more often than men. Generally, you feel them...

Do Germs Cause Disease?
Louis Pasteur is responsible for the “germ theory” of disease. It’s based on the belief that germs cause disease and that exposure to...
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